08 July 2020 | News

Close to 30 small shops in La Higuera, Coquimbo and La Serena will become suppliers of the Dominga mining project, the one that during this month will distribute 2.000 boxes of food in the region of Coquimbo.

This way, the economic resources will not fall into the big trade box of the Metropolitan Region. On the contrary, Dominga will promote a strategic alliance with as many possible local suppliers of various areas such as the commercial sector, tourism, construction, domestic services, transportation, education services, among many others.

The approach with neighborhood stores, the acquisition of the food baskets, the selection of vulnerable beneficiaries and the distribution, has been a task shared with the Communal Association of La Higuera, the Movement No + Unemployment of Coquimbo, Rural Potable Water Committees, Neighborhood Boards and multiple social organizations.

Our region has been strongly impacted by the sanitary crisis, and there are many families who need all the support we can provide.

“Dominga is hope for many families and the only potential project to be built in the short term, allowing us to recuperate from the grave economical effects of coronavirus. We should all put on the shirt of progress to overcome the pandemic of unemployment and poverty. Our support to the neighborhood stores and the solidarity food delivery to vulnerable families is part of the commitment of Dominga with the men and women of our land”, highlighted Francisco Villalón, Manager of Corporate Affairs at Andes Iron.

The groceries will be distributed to families in the areas of Punta Colorada, La Higuera and El Trapiche. Also, in the coastal zones of Punta de Choros, Caleta Los Hornos, Los Choros and Chungungo. Dominga will also help sectors in need in La Serena and Coquimbo.

“Sales are not good and have been down 80% compared to a normal period because all activity has stopped due to coronavirus, with very little tourists. We are fishermen, so in that regard, the help is good. Not everybody is against mining companies, those against them are outsiders who come and put obstacles”, stated Miguel Díaz, the owner of the store “El Lobito” of Punta de Choros. The owner of the supermarket “El Cacique” of the coastal sector of Chungungo, Lucinda Castillo, states that it is the first time in 35 years since she opened, that a company has contacted her to form an alliance with small businesses. “Dominga could have purchased from other larger suppliers, other supermarkets, nevertheless they believed in us. We are waiting for the Dominga project to be approved to have more and bigger opportunities”, she added.

“This shows that the Dominga project is in the community and it is a big help we are giving the associates and the people of La Higuera, and it is loadable that they are buying from small local businesses”, said Alexis Sánchez, spokesman of the Communal Association of La Higuera.

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